Di Roosevelt Park, NJ ada danau kecil yang indah pemandangannya. Hari Rabu yang lalu saya sempatkan diri untuk sekedar menghirup udara segar dengan jalan-jalan di pinggir danau kecil tersebut. Musim semi selalu indah, udara terasa segar, daun-daun terlihat segar dan pemandangan selalu enak dilihat. Ini hasil jepretan saya, seekor Unggas siap-siap melakukan rutinitasnya. Olah-raga air, berenang !
Foto ini terpilih ketika saya sertakan dalam pemilihan foto terbaik 2008 disini :
The editorial team of Photography Laureates has conducted a detailed examination of the best photographs submitted to us in the last months. We have decided to publish in an Anthology the very best photographers and the most exceptional pictures we have encountered.
We would like to congratulate you for being selected for publication as part of our highly acclaimed Photography Anthology. As such, you are a finalist for the $6500 prize. As a Laureate and talented photographer, you now have access to several networking opportunities aimed at exposing you to the photography community.
Your photograph was selected out of hundreds of competing entries and you will be published along with other talented photographers.
Your photograph, Ready to swim, was selected for its composition and illusion of depth...
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